by Kathie England


“Faith is believing what you haven’t seen.” That’s how Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, defined faith in his November 2021 interview by Krista Tippett

Stevenson also stated that educating oneself is an action item.

Today with democracy under daily attack in this country, one step towards educating ourselves is reading the daily posts of Heather Cox Richardson, American historian and professor of history at Boston College. (an act of faith)

Nearly every post provides perspective about what is at stake today in America, the nature of our government. Her January 5, 2022 post asked whether we will restore the principles on which the Founders (flawed though many of them were) based this nation: “that all men are created equal” and that governments derive “their just powers from the consent of the governed…” 

We know that voting rights are under attack across this country. One small step to protect this right is making a regular donation to Vote Save America. (an act of faith)

Remember the words of John Lewis, “Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part.” (an act of faith)

Let us remember the words of playwright Naomi Wallace, “To keep democracy alive, you have to wrestle with it day and night just to keep its eyes open, just to keep it awake.” (an act of faith) 

May we embrace the perspectives of Bryan Stevenson, Heather Cox Richardson, John Lewis, Vote Save America, and Naomi Wallace to find the courage to take many small steps in 2022 and be Who We Can Be! What are your action items? What is your act of faith?