by Kathie England

We Don’t Give Up

The concession speech of Kamala Harris on November 6 inspired me to write my own version of the Serenity Prayer which I will share at the end of today’s post.

First, I want to remind you of some of the words by Kamala Harris that inspired me on that darkest of days.

“A fundamental principle of American democracy is that when we lose an election, we accept the results. That principle as much as any other distinguishes democracy from monarchy or tyranny, and anyone who seeks the public trust must honor it. At the same time in our nation, we owe loyalty not to a president or a party, but to the Constitution of the United States, and loyalty to our conscience and to our God.”

“My allegiance to all three is why I am here to say, while I concede this election, I do not concede the fight that fuels this campaign, the fight for freedom, for opportunity, for fairness and the dignity of all people, a fight for the ideals at the heart of our nation, the ideals that reflect America at our best. This is a fight I will never give up.”

She urged us “to organize, to mobilize and to stay engaged for the sake of freedom and justice and the future that we all know we can build together.”

Despite the darkness of our feelings, Harris invited us to “fill the sky with the light of a billion brilliant stars, the light of optimism, of faith, of truth and service” and to let “that work guide us, even in the face of setbacks, toward the extraordinary promise of the United States of America.”

Who We Can Be

“May we find the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

As written for November 11, the message of The Daily Stoic said, “Let’s not confuse acceptance with passivity!”