Be a Cause for Change
Our potential is limitless – “Everything we do, say, and think impacts our world. Our potential is limitless. We can all be a cause for change.” Those are the words from the mediation app Headspace on September 2, 2024.
“John Kennedy believed so strongly that one’s aim should not just be the most comfortable life possible, but that we should all do something to right the wrongs we see, and not just complain about them. We owe that to our country, and our country will suffer if we don’t serve her. He believed that one man can make a difference – and that every man should try.”
Though this quote is frequently attributed to John F. Kennedy, archivists at the JFK Library believe it was more likely the words of Jacqueline Kennedy describing her late husband’s beliefs in a 1966 article in Look Magazine.
I conclude this month’s post with the words of Michelle Obama at the recent Democratic National Convention.
It is “up to us to be the solution that we seek.” She urged people to “be the antidote to the darkness and division.”
“Whether you’re Democrat, Republican, Independent, or none of the above, this is our time to stand up for what we know in our hearts is right. Not just for our basic freedoms, but for decency and humanity, for basic respect. Dignity and empathy. For the values at the very foundation of this democracy.”
“Don’t just sit around and complain. Do something.”
All these perspectives are powerfully relevant this election year!
Who We Can Be
We can all be a cause for change!
We can each make a difference. Every one of us should try!
Don’t just sit around and complain. Do something!
Be someone who takes action to protect our freedoms and our democracy in 2024.
Looking for some way to embrace these perspectives? Go to Vote Save America and get involved.