
What Is Coaching?

"Coaching is unlocking people's potential to maximize their own performance...Building awareness, responsibility and self-belief is the goal of a coach." I came across this great definition of coaching in a book review in the current issue of choice, the magazine of professional coaching (yes, it's all in lowercase). The author of this definition is John Whitmore…

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Opportunities or Unsolvable Problems?

"This is the time of breathtaking opportunities disguised as unsolvable problems." Those were the words of John Gardner, the founder of Common Cause, and quoted by Eric Utne in the May-June 2013 issue of UTNE Reader whose tagline is "Cure Ignorance." Utne's piece is titled "Signs of the Zeitgeist." He shares three events where people in…

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Small Steps Save Time

Last weekend I did something I've been wanting to do for quite a while but never gotten around to doing - I purged files. These weren't just any files. These were old financial files that required shredding. I ended up with 18 pounds of paper to shred. Now I do have a shredder at…

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It's Habit Forming, A Virtual Workshop

May 21 is the date that a new group will start for It's Habit Forming, A virtual workshop based on the book The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. This group covers Part 1 of Duhigg's work where we look at The Habit Loop, The Craving Brain, and The Golden Rule of Habit Change. This virtual…

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Web Access for Women

Take a look at the state of web access for women in developing nations: http://www.onlineclasses.org/2013/02/18/women-and-the-web. I hope this quote from the link above will caputre your interest:"...when women are able to gain access to the Internet, they begin to do powerful things with it.  Among women in developing nations, many of those who…

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A Small Step Toward Freedom

How is a bike a small step toward freedom for young girls in the state of Bihar in India? Bihar is considered one of the least literate states in India with women's literacy as low as 53 percent. But that is now changing. Thanks to a plan by the chief minister, all girls in classes…

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